Tags Archives   Multi functional Furniture

Furniture Design Trends: A Quick Recap from 2022

Furniture Design Trends: A Quick Recap from 2022

The Indian furniture market is one of the sectors in the country that has witnessed an evolution of its own by expanding beyond chairs and tables to d...
मल्टी-फंक्शनल फर्नीचर की दिन प्रतिदिन बढ़ रही लोकप्रियता

The Popularity of Multi-Functional Furniture is In...

मल्टी-फंक्शनल फर्नीचर की लोकप्रियता एक ट्रेंड है जो हाल के वर्षों में बढ़ रही है। यह ट्रेंड सीमित स्थान से अधिकतम लाभ उठाने की इच्छा के साथ-साथ मल्टी-...
Evolving Work Environment Spurs Demand for WFH Furniture

Evolving Work Environment Spurs Demand for WFH Fur...

Today, several companies are adopting a hybrid work policy (a combination of WFH and remote working). This rising phenomenon might slightly cause a de...
Sliding Systems: Revolutionizing Furniture Design and Space Optimization

Sliding Systems: Revolutionizing Furniture Design ...

The storage requirement of an average home has soared up to almost 100 percent, however, with a significant fall in the floor space. With rising innov...

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